Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Visit to the New York State Museum

The Cohoes Mastodon was discovered in 1866 during construction of Harmony Mill No. 3 near Cohoes Falls on the Mohawk River. The mastodon's remains were found deeply buried in two potholes, which had been worn into the bedrock by the swirling action of water and stones at the end of the last Ice Age.
How and why this yo...ung male mastodon died is unknown. It is known from skeletal evidence that it had been in poor health and may have died a natural death, although some research on the skeleton hints that it may have been killed by native American hunters.
In life, the Cohoes Mastodon stood about eight and one-half feet high at the shoulder, was about fifteen feet long, and weighed between 8,000 and 10,000 pounds.

Citizen Soldier: New York's National Guard in the American Century
Irish Infantry...nice recruitment campaign me thinks! Join up and kill people alongside me friends, where do I sign?
You can read all about the Fighting Irish of the 69th Infantry at their official website http://www.sixtyninth.net/origin.html
You can learn all about John Francis O'Ryan and his Roughnecks at http://www.oryansroughnecks.org/jfobio.html

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